The block initializer and guardian of Pando Network's complete ledger, ensuring a secure blockchain ecosystem.
Metatron nodes play important roles to protect the security of the Pando blockchain as they form a second layer of defense against potential malicious attackers. It acts as block finalizers responsible for validating transactions while holding partial ledgers of the Pando Network, and provides the second layer of security. By authoring new blocks on the network, Metatron Nodes play a key role in the Proof-of-Staking (PoS) consensus mechanism.
Zytatron serves as block initializers and holds the full ledger of the Pando and are responsible for verifying and preserving a record of transactions when they participate in the consensus .They also provide the first layer of security. Zytatron Nodes are region-specific network listeners responsible for validating content views and engagement in addition to ensuring the integrity and quality of service rendered by the Rametron Nodes.